Alliance BioConversions Consulting

As Green and Blue Technologies Integration Specialists,
since 1990, we continue to be dedicated to provide
Clean Water, Clean Food, and Clean Energy Security
for our communities, our country, and the planet, while accelerating the Rewilding of the Land and Waters.
Knowledge is Power
This website is meant to inform and to alert people, young and old, as to what they can do (and why), individually and/or organizationally, to join in the crucial unity required to address Climate Change. Any and every effort instills the courage and confidence that we can certainly mitigate the worst effects, and mass extinctions, of Climate Change. Thank you for your action to join the multitude of those who are working to restore Nature and the health of the planet and all life.
Alliance BioConversions Company (ABCC) had been demonstrating proven solutions to agricultural, water, and energy challenges since 1990.
ABCC's systems have national
and international approvals.
We have established a vast network of innovators, contractors, investors, and proven technologies. We offer an open source of techs that we have researched, developed, or demonstrated. We have integrated several of the products and processes into proprietary systems that have great impacts on Climate Change, especially our Waste-to-Energy-to-Food systems (W2E2F) which combine most of our green and blue technologies.
Please also see our previous business 3-page website
to see highlights of our history, since 1990.
We believe that the planet’s Land and Water ecosystems are inextricably intertwined, and that proven processes can be combined to accelerate the restoration of damaged, polluted lands and water bodies. These systems are sustainable, full-cycle, full-circle, biomimicry systems.
These systems allow the “rewilding” of our forests and wildlife, and the saving of marine ecologies, upon which all life depends
– including humankind.
ABCC’s Green and Blue Eco-Solution Systems.
Green and Blue make Teal. We call this
TheTeal New Deal
Emissions can be offset by green and blue techs – 30% comes from industry, 23% comes from transport, 20% from buildings, 25% from food (agriculture and aquaculture). We address those in this website.
We offer Consulting - from Concept to Construction.
We trust that you will access and take advantage of these formidable and rewarding resources and support this effort in any way you can to help save and restore our Eden – our planet Earth.
We are also aware of the vast amounts of the “greenwashing” of environmentally counterproductive technologies that exacerbate Climate Change. We work to raise awareness of those projects. - Is it constructive or destructive? Does it take too much time or money to scale up? Is it a restorative or an extractive technology? Our criteria is whether it is “Profits over Planet” or “Profits AND Planet.”
"What is right to be done cannot be done too soon." -
Jane Austen, Author.
Knowledge is Power
We are at a critical stage on our planet. Half of it is burning and the other half is flooding. We know what is happening and why. This website is meant to show how we can take immediate action to to begin to mitigate its most catastrophic effects. The technologies are available right now.
"This website has been created for informational, inspirational, and educational purposes only, and does not imply any endorsement or agreement of our proposals, projects, or opinions by those persons or entities that have been publicly quoted or cited - Such as, our colleagues, media, other environmental businesses, projects, and political, or well-known, prominent, and recognized, celebrity figures or personages. They are cited only as informational sources for us to continue to advocate for Unity to address, and to take action on, the existential threat of Climate Change. Our former self-funded ABCC Company has been dissolved since 2020, yet our efforts in this regard, since 1990, continues.
It is our Life Purpose. As stated herein, this is freely offered open source, public material, and such information is offered to inspire others. We are no longer a commercial business, although we are available for free advice, research, or consultation.